Medi Marshal Patient App
First for managing medication directly
McLernons have developed the Medi Marshal Patient App, which allows patients to manage their medications and liaise directly with their community pharmacist. This is a first for patients anywhere in the world.
The Medi Marshal Patient App creates a channel of communication between the patient and their community pharmacy, giving them access to their dispensing history and control over the ordering of repeat prescriptions. Access to dispensing history can be life-saving should the patient find themselves needing to access healthcare in an out-of-ours or emergency setting at home or abroad.
Scanning the barcode on their prescription and sending this directly to the pharmacy with a time and a date for collection of the dispensed items means less time queuing in the pharmacy.
We offer our pharmacy customers the option to embed the Medi Marshal Patient App into a fully customised pharmacy app, and this has already been rolled out to pharmacy groups and independents.